With proper time management and strategic reading, students can get...
As part of their chosen program, every student who enrolls in any of our IELTS courses can get 4 complimentary practice exams. Before taking the actual IELTS test, you can use various IELTS resources and practice tests offered by our mock test papers to get more skilled and speed up the learning process.
Here are our tests:
You will get 30 minutes along with an additional 10 minutes for transferring your answers to the offered answer sheet.
You can complete the 3 components of the IELTS General Reading practice exam or IELTS Academic Reading in an hour.
You have 1 hour to complete two activities in the IELTS General Writing test or the IELTS Academic Writing test.
During the IELTS Speaking test, you have to talk to a professional examiner for a short time. You need a study partner for preparations.
With proper time management and strategic reading, students can get...
Candidates need to practice with focus and make strategic preparations...
With the addition of computer-delivered test options, IELTS improves the...
A new initiative by The British Council, the IELTS 'One...